Dietes iridioides |
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Butterfly-Iris, Fortnight Lily |
This clumping evergreen Iris bears tall, narrow leaves to 30" tall and white flowers marked purple in the center on stalks up to 3' tall. This variety has stiffer, darker foliage than the bicolor form. It requires sun to part shade with little or no summer watering when established.
Plant Type
Shrub, Perennial
Height Range
1-3', 3-6'
Flower Color
Yellow, White, Multi-Colored
Flower Season
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Intermittent
Leaf Color
Bark Color
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
As the weather gets hotter avoid the temptation to increase run times.
Instead, schedule more start times with one to two hours in between to allow the water from the previous session to soak in before watering again.