Verbena rigida

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Prairie Verbena, Sandpaper V.

Plant photo of: Verbena rigida
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Information by: Jerry Sortomme Editor        Photographer: Mountain States Nursery



This rapidly growing perennial ground cover has rough, dark green leaves and vivid purple flowers in spring and summer. When it starts to look ragged, cut it back to the ground. This will encourage greener new growth. It will even bloom during some winters.This hardy Verbena can grow 2' tall and 4' wide. It is long lived. It attracts bees, butterflies, and birds. It is considered drought tolerant and prefers full sun.


  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type

Ground cover, Perennial


Height Range



Flower Color



Flower Season

Spring, Summer


Leaf Color

Green, Dark Green


Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season


Water Saving Tip:

As the weather gets hotter avoid the temptation to increase run times.

Instead, schedule more start times with one to two hours in between to allow the water from the previous session to soak in before watering again.